Showing 51 - 75 of 224 Results
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John P. ISBN: 9780722285442 List Price: $88.00
Samuel F. B. Morse; his letters and journals, ed. and supplemented by his son Edward Lind Mo... by Morse, Edward Lind, Morse, ... ISBN: 9781176968332 List Price: $38.75
Samuel F. B. Morse V2: His Letters And Journals (1914) by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese... ISBN: 9781120026255 List Price: $44.95
Samuel F. B. Morse V2: His Letters And Journals (1914) by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese... ISBN: 9781120104946 List Price: $59.95
Samuel F.B. Morse: His Letters and Journals by Morse, Edward Lind, Morse, ... ISBN: 9781147231816 List Price: $44.75
Samuel F B Morse; His Letters and Journals, Ed and Supplemented by His Son Edward Lind Morse; by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese... ISBN: 9781176968394 List Price: $44.75
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John ISBN: 9781177193634 List Price: $21.75
Amir Khan, and Other Poems : The remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson by Davidson, Lucretia Maria, M... ISBN: 9781177393478 List Price: $24.75
Samuel F B Morse V2 : His Letters and Journals (1914) by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese... ISBN: 9781166337575 List Price: $35.96
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John ISBN: 9781163935460 List Price: $17.56
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John ISBN: 9781164234487 List Price: $29.56
The present attempt to dissolve the American union: a British aristocratic plot by Samuel Finley Breese Morse,... ISBN: 9781245068925 List Price: $15.75
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States; by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781407736761 List Price: $18.95
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States : The Numbers under the Signat... by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781407736754 List Price: $23.95
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John ISBN: 9781277400922 List Price: $21.75
Examination of the Telegraphic Apparatus and the Processes in Telegraphy by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781235285219 List Price: $19.99
Our Liberties Defended; The Question Discussed, Is the Protestant or Papal System Most Favor... by Samuel Finley Breese Morse ISBN: 9781235814495 List Price: $14.14
Samuel F. B. Morse : His Letters and Journals. Edited and Supplemented by His Son Edward Lin... by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781462276356 List Price: $49.99
Memorial of Samuel Finley Breese Morse : Including Appropriate Ceremonies of Respect at the ... by Addresses, United States. C... ISBN: 9781290230117 List Price: $28.95
Samuel Finley Breese Morse by Trowbridge, John ISBN: 9781290363587 List Price: $22.95
Samuel F B Morse; His Letters and Journals by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781290363570 List Price: $34.95
Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States by Samuel Finley Breese Morse ISBN: 9781103466177 List Price: $19.99
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States the Numbers under the Signatur... by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781178252217 List Price: $24.75
Examination of the telegraphic apparatus and the processes in Telegraphy by Morse, Samuel Finley Breese ISBN: 9781418143268 List Price: $39.95
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